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Ardetus - 474 / full-screen - advanced client - alpha stage

Ardetus! http://ardetus.com/ http://ardetus.com/index.php?pageid=rewards – early member incentive Introduction Hello and welcome to the project thread for Ardetus. Ardetus is an upcoming RS2 server using the 317 client and my own world engine. While it is using the 317 client there have been vast changes to the protocol, engine, file store, and so on. I opted to use the 317 client as it is what I am most familiar with and it allows me to modify it easily without having to relearn everything. The Goal The goal with Ardetus is to have a very player customizable experience on the level of...

Ardetus - 474 / full-screen - advanced client - alpha stage
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-03-22 17:16:47
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Related Ardetus - 474 / full-screen - advanced client - alpha stage Servers