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Ateji Scape

Welcome to AtejiScape an rsps that has been around for years. Started in 2009 with a 317 server worked all the way to 400 players+ , Sadly after college starting up again and my busy life AtejiScape had to close its doors. But no less then a year later . AtejiScape rsps is opening again bigger and better then ever before! How about I just show you! [SPOILER=Download Client]Download Client: [url]https://https://dl.dropbox.com/s/c1z8lpkty9n6nyu/AtejiScape.jar?dl=0[/url][/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Website]http://ateji.weebly.com/[/SPOILER] Features: Pvm: -Nex -Corp -GWD -Tormented Demons -Evil...

Ateji Scape
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-12-14 15:21:46
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