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Augury RSPS | OSRS With A Custom Twist

Augury is a brand new RSPS, that aims to target most of the content provided by OSRS. Including Functional Skilling, Bossing, Player Killing, Minigames and much more. Pushing updates regularly and keeping the gameplay as smooth as possible is our main goal. While we do follow osrs, we love to take in suggestions from our players about what they would like to see in the server, and we work on providing them what they love. Augury has been in beta for a while and we came to a point where we are positive that we can provide our players a safe, smooth and exciting environment to play in. With...

Augury RSPS | OSRS With A Custom Twist
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2021-05-04 12:25:30
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