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1 NEW Server - Salvage-PS - OSRS-True Zurlrah - Regular Updates - Daily Events - Custom Minigames - Treasure Trails - Tool Belt

Salvage-PS is a NEW Eco RSPS owned by a professional developer. With regular updates, including a TON of custom content, Salvage is an amazing up-and-coming server which has grown a loyal player base. We are small, but those who have joined have stayed and want to see the server grow. If you are looking for a smaller server to grow with, look no further. Give the game a try by downloading the auto-updating client, then introduce yourself at the forums and become part of the loyal community today --- 250 Achievements, All working skills including 120 Dungeoneering, New Daily Events with...

1 NEW Server - Salvage-PS - OSRS-True Zurlrah - Regular Updates - Daily Events - Custom Minigames - Treasure Trails - Tool Belt
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2017-06-30 11:12:38
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Related 1 NEW Server - Salvage-PS - OSRS-True Zurlrah - Regular Updates - Daily Events - Custom Minigames - Treasure Trails - Tool Belt Servers