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2007 DeadMan Mode

Created by: Chandler, Stake, Zach http://2007deadman.com -Stay Tuned for Advert Thread- Based off of Runescape DMM, taking exciting twists and amazing updates! In 2007DMM you lose your entire bank upon death. This is a ruthless game mode and not for the weak hearted or quitters. We have made it 25x RS or 5x DMM xp. You can protect 2 combat skills and 3 non-combat skills. You can gain as many keys as you want, but fear the penalty of not being able to loot all the items from the keys! You must have 28 inventory slots open to get the most loot possible. Make sure to not spam the...

2007 DeadMan Mode
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-12-15 20:08:40
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