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GreenTides OSRS Eco PVM PVP

GreenTides - Where your adventures Starts 60 Pets Ironman Hardcore Ironman Active Duel NPC Kill Count Bank Tabs Skilling Point Shops Custom Bosses Vote4Credits Yell For Everyone Player Owned Shops Greentides We are and economy Based osrs server With Skilling, PVM and PVP in mind Friendly staff Online 247 Lots of content to get your hands into This includes Loads Of Bosses We have Loads bosses waiting for you to fight against. This includes Kraken, Godwars, Corporeal beast, Lots wilderness bosses and many more Amazing Pking Our pking system has been perfected to the touch....

GreenTides OSRS Eco PVM PVP
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2017-01-16 13:06:58
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