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BrutalScape 317 - 24/7 - Brutally Good - Boss Pets - Dungeoneering

Here at Brutalscape we give a warm welcome! We have a great community, and will be able to help you 24/7 with any problems. Our servers are built from the communities ideas, and constantly updating to ensure everyone is happy! Our features include: - 24 / 7 Online Server - Drygore - Chaotics - Dragon Kite - Godbows - Torva/pernix/vitrus - Working ring of wealth - Summoning & Hunter - Duo slayer & dungeoneering - 18+ Bosses - Grand Exchange - Revenants! Join now to find out more! - Harok, Evan, and the BrutalScape Community

BrutalScape 317 - 24/7 - Brutally Good - Boss Pets - Dungeoneering
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-02-22 06:45:22
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Related BrutalScape 317 - 24/7 - Brutally Good - Boss Pets - Dungeoneering Servers