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Everrain OSRS - emulation of the highest calibre, we aim to deliver an enjoyable OSRS experience with extensive attention to detail. We have the upmost respect for the experience you get on OSRS, the next upcoming server you've not heard of yet!

Everrain OSRS - emulation of the highest calibre, we aim to deliver an enjoyable OSRS experience with extensive attention to detail. We have the upmost respect for the experience you get on OSRS, the next upcoming server you've not heard of yet!

If you haven't already, I strongly advise you to visit our project thread for Everrain. We are currently looking for some alpha testers; there are no immediate requirements for accessing our alpha so anyone can apply! The ideal candidate would be someone who has a decent knowledge of OSRS gameplay, attention to detail and is confident in reporting any bugs with an attached gif in our discord. To apply, please complete the form in as many or few words as you feel necessary. - 1.) What is your experience in Oldschool Runescape? : 2.) Discord ID. : 3.) What kind of servers do you...

Everrain OSRS - emulation of the highest calibre, we aim to deliver an enjoyable OSRS experience with extensive attention to detail. We have the upmost respect for the experience you get on OSRS, the next upcoming server you've not heard of yet!
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    United Kingdom
  • Date Signed Up
    2020-10-23 19:37:47
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Related Everrain OSRS - emulation of the highest calibre, we aim to deliver an enjoyable OSRS experience with extensive attention to detail. We have the upmost respect for the experience you get on OSRS, the next upcoming server you've not heard of yet! Servers