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Kairos - SoulWars - Clans- Dedicated To Perfection

Some popular features of our server: Dwarf Multicannon 120+ Achievements [Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite] Team Dungeoneering Social Slayer (Duo Slayer) Daily Updates Full Summoning Skill Hosted on top-of-the-line dedicated servers Fully functional bank tabs Complete clan chat system [All ranks, Correct RS Lootshare] Multiple World support (With character saving between worlds) Multiple Quests Active wilderness Flawless combat Perfected farming system All skills besides construction (COMING SOON!) Customizable Client (474, 525, 562 Gameframes | 718, 614, or 602 hitmarks | x10 or x1 hits | Resizable...

Kairos - SoulWars - Clans- Dedicated To Perfection
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  • Country
    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2014-12-28 13:58:04
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