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Noxrune - 742 Loading RS3 | Divination | Godwars & more

NoxRune is a 742 server loading present day data. Our goal is to best replicate pre-eoc combat mechanics with loads of new exciting content! NoxRune servers have been built from scratch utilizing the netti.io library. Endless amounts of monsters to slay! Fully functional Prayers and Curses. Top of the line skilling, including 100% Divination - Expect nothing but perfection! Full lobby support with cross world communication. Challenging economy with realistic prices! Fully functional cross world Grand Exchange. Are you up for the challenge? Join NoxRune today!

Noxrune - 742 Loading RS3 | Divination | Godwars & more
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-10-18 05:49:44
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