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PK-Legacy - SpawnEco - Instant PK - Preloads - Normal  PK Mode - Cash Bags, Alien, Yoshi Etc..

PK-Legacy - SpawnEco - Instant PK - Preloads - Normal PK Mode - Cash Bags, Alien, Yoshi Etc..

CENTERCENTERThe long wait is finally over and PK-Legacy is finally back up and running. I would like to thank everyone for your patience and be happy to announce that PK-Legacy has returned The reason for the long wait has been due to my lack of time and having to combine coding with work, school, and family. Either way, Im really happy to say that PK-Legacy is now ready for launch and updates will continue to come as the year progresses. All old accounts are secure, feel free to login with your old PK-Legacy username and password. PK-Legacy has three forms of game modes, one is Normal mode....

PK-Legacy - SpawnEco - Instant PK - Preloads - Normal PK Mode - Cash Bags, Alien, Yoshi Etc..
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Related PK-Legacy - SpawnEco - Instant PK - Preloads - Normal PK Mode - Cash Bags, Alien, Yoshi Etc.. Servers