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The Doser Project

Come join the doser project!! fourms and client can be found here ----> http://thedoserproject.boards.net/ join today the owner is myself Cody, perfect pvm and pvp tons of minigames, boss teles even custom bosses! We have drygores, all nex gear fully coded nex gwds kking, custom donor boss custom dung !@!@[email protected] NOW !@!@!@! Here is a list of server features! - Loyalty Points - Fully working Bank Tabs! - Bounty Hunter - Highscores - Automatic Donations - Fully working Clan Chat! - Full Gambling - Working Dungeons - Runespan Bosses: - God Wars Dungeon - Nex - Corporeal...

The Doser Project
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  • Country
    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-04-10 09:52:10
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