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Welcome To ShineScape, We are Currently in Beta Stages. ShineScape community is Based On being Eco And Player vs Player And Player vs Monsters vs. Wieners. ShineScape is 24/7 Online Server. ShineScape has alot to offer for the community. Such as : we have over 20 Bosses to kill - New bosses added Soon aswell. we have Ton of Mini Games and being Rewarded for playing Them. we have Customes phats and Santa hats and Custome pets. we have all OSRS Items, Scythe of viture Tbows And many more. we have Donator Shops And Area/s Specified for donators Only, with More benifits for them. If you...

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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2022-07-08 03:19:19
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