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Runescape Top 100 List

06-Scape - 2006 RuneScape (RE-LAUNCHED 2021)

06-Scape offers a good amount of quality based oldschool content. You will come across PvMing, Skilling, Treasure trails, PKing, Hiscores to track player progressions and competitions! We are not perfect but we are forsure very passionate about this project and hopefully you will enjoy your time on 06-Scape. Our confirmed experience rates are x7.5 overall while quest reward exp rates stay x1. We are not 100% strict remake and since we are trying to have a well balanced game for people with different interests, we do listen to our players and want to make sure we do our best for our...

06-Scape - 2006 RuneScape (RE-LAUNCHED 2021)
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2021-05-08 18:46:44
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