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NovaScape OSRS

NovaScape OSRS

~NovaScape~ OSRS Economy with full Runelite client • Excellent Lag-free 24/7 Server Hosting • Excellent OSRS formulas, pathfinding, and combat • Most OSRS Bosses & Wildy Bosses • Full skilling including Construction • Achievements • Treasure Trails • Full Chambers of Xeric • Multiple XP and Ironman Modes • Full RuneLite client with all the plugins • Skilling minigames such as Wintertodt, Aerial fishing and more • Tons of pets • LMS, PK tournaments, and Wildy events around the clock • A few custom end game bosses that are extremely tasteful and fit right in with OSRS lore ...

NovaScape OSRS
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2019-11-04 13:26:20
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