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Ebisu-GX | Economy | 25 Skills | 24/7 Online

Ebisu-GX is 718 loading 838 hosted by a powerful dedicated VPS. We are a brand new server and we need loads of players to try our content. We have loads of content to offer and a friendly/active community. We have an advanced Developing team that brings amazing updates that constantly trumps other RSPS content such as fully working All 25 skills. The 25 skills are trainable and accurately coded to closely mirror pre-eoc Runescape. Ebisu-GX has so much content it is practically impossible to list it all, We never fail to go that extra mile. There is also a strong, supportive and carefully...

Ebisu-GX | Economy | 25 Skills | 24/7 Online
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2014-09-10 10:19:10
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Related Ebisu-GX | Economy | 25 Skills | 24/7 Online Servers