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Hells Lair

Hell's Lair, a new rsps looking for players to get us kicking. Server Website - http://hellslair.boards.net/ Client Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/wn986u9gwc7bykw/HELLS%20LAIR.jar?oref=e All skills, bosses, minigames and items work the way they're suppose to. Donator status is buyable which includes acces to donator island and more/better gear! Owners have added custom gear and npcs/bosses! Most npcs drop PvM Tokens which you use in the FOG Shop to buy awesome gear. This server is mainly a economy server and PvM, PvP, and skilling all work flawlessly. Items with...

Hells Lair
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-03-30 13:53:07
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