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Manic - The Custom RSPS youve looked for

This isn't your typical RSPS. This custom server is starting to make a name for itself by standing out from the rest. Read more on how & why this is. Golden Ticket Event - free donator prizes | Custom Skilling & AFK Island | Weekly Updates & Daily Upkeep | Every Gambling Gamemode | 3 Different World Bosses | Group Slayer for Best Rewards | Brand new Prestige Skill offers Powerful rewards | 50+ Bosses with special mechanics | CUSTOM Magic Skill | Tons of unique Minigames | Underwater Minigame | Treus Daryth Group Minigame | Ultimate PvM Dungeon | Fountain of Goodwill |...

Manic - The Custom RSPS youve looked for
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-06-08 21:47:38
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