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MindScape | Customs

MindScape | Customs

Mindscape Client/Jar Download: http://www.mindscape.nl-web.com Welcome to mindscape, this server commits much customs! Features: - 500+ Customs - Tons of Recolored Torva's - Tons of Custom Armor - Tons of Custom Weapons - OP Mage & Range - Banks Tabs - Many Many bugs fixed - Member system instead of Donator - Many more that you have to check the source to find out - Bank Tabs - 500+ Customs - Active Community - Friendly Staff Team - Active Updates - Professional Website/Forums - Daily Events - Prestige - Achievements - Dicing - Never seen customs - Many More

MindScape | Customs
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-02-01 11:03:24
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