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Runescape Top 100 List

ChronicScape - 718

Server Has A LOAD Of Options Which Some Of It Includes: -All Skills Trainable -25+ Shops -Loads of Areas Usable -Grotworms RS Spawn Locations -QBD With Rewards Room -Dominion Tower (Not bugged Just Fix Rewards) -Different Teleport Styles Per Teleport Command -New Rank For Server Owner Includes Its Own Crown (Reg owner has a dif crown as well) -Admin Crown Is A Golden A -Mod Crown Is A Silver M -Loads Of Item Fixes (Just need to finish the options for the attack styles so it doesnt have kick, punch etc..) -Custom Items (Like at least 15-20 of them) -Loads Of Custom Commands (like ::fly ::flash...

ChronicScape - 718
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    United Kingdom
  • Date Signed Up
    2023-05-28 08:53:39
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