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Project Ryzeria | 317 | Need Staff | 24/7 Dedicated Server

Website: projectryzeria.com Forums: projectryzeria.com/forums/ Server info: projectryzeria.com - Recruiting staff - PVP/PVM/ECO - • Perfect clipped following. • Clipped projectiles for both ranged and magic. • Perfect max hit, and attack/defense formulas. • All specials working with correct effects for all weapons vs players. • Working curse prayers, and regular prayers. • PvP point shops that requires kills to unlock new items. Every kill you get unlocks a new item in the shop. • Uncheatable PvP point system. • Chance of a PvP item drop when killing other players in the wild.

Project Ryzeria | 317 | Need Staff | 24/7 Dedicated Server
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-02-23 00:24:16
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Related Project Ryzeria | 317 | Need Staff | 24/7 Dedicated Server Servers