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Project Pk 317

Client: http://uppit.com/uc5i0yzd4cjq/Project_PK_Client.zip Forums: http://projectpk.freeforums.org/ To Open the Client Use "Backup Run" Client Is Auto Cache Download Looking for a Client Developer to join the Project Pk team! Inquire on the forums or in-game! Features: Server is VPS Hosted! Garunteed 99.9% Uptime! Fully working Chaotic Weps! All new Custom Items! ::Master + ::Setlevel Instant Pking! Great Exp Rates! Balanced economy. Flawless Pking With Perfect Switching. All New Pk Locations! Custom Minigames! New Training Area for all levels! Working special attacks for...

Project Pk 317
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-04-19 07:55:48
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