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Torva - Best content packed 718

This is a new 718 Server, We have a decent development team, which are 100 good at coding JAVA and we have got good website developers, we are currently going to do many videos on youtube, and do many good updates to make the Players Proud, and also We always listen to the player, whatever the players want, we add it to the game and make em happy Hope you lads enjoy this server, theres more media and videos coming soon FEATURES A zamorakian falador Zamorakian themed intro Ironman and Hardcore ironman modes Fun thing Added womenmen to skillcape emotes npcname, dropname, npcid, and dropid...

Torva - Best content packed 718
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-12-11 08:45:27
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Related Torva - Best content packed 718 Servers